Welcome to visit Yunnan water investment Limited by Share Ltd official website!
Major Business
作者:admin 来源:本站原创 点击:1507次 日期:2016-09-08 [] [] []

   We provide one-stop services in the investment, design, construction, operation, maintenance, total solution and key technology system integration of projects in urban water and environmental treatment industry. Our business covers raw water supply, tap water supply, wastewater treatment, integrated disposal and recycling of reclaimed water and urban solid waste, and project contracting services, equipment sales, and system integration in corresponding fields.


   Technology Field


   We emphasis on the relevant technology, machinery equipment manufacture, project construction, and the R&D and application of membrane technology in the fields of urban raw water supply, water supply, wastewater treatment, recycling of reclaimed water, water conservancy infrastructure, and urban solid waste disposal, etc.


上一篇: Operating Model
下一篇: organizational structure
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